Tennessee Ledger Blog 1st Amendment/Free Expression The Widening of Jefferson Pike: ‘An Issue We Can all Agree On’
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The Widening of Jefferson Pike: ‘An Issue We Can all Agree On’

Jefferson Pike Smyrna Mike Sparks

Improvements to Jefferson Pike: A Long Awaited Road Widening

Why It Matters—It’s personal for me.
Everyone who grew up or lived in the Smyrna, Walterhill, and Lascassas areas knows someone who has had an accident on Jefferson Pike or knows a family that has lost a loved one.
John Phillips
John Phillips
A poignant example is the John and Joann Phillips family, who tragically lost their son on the dangerous, narrow two-lane State Route 266. I recently learned that John Phillips has passed away. His son Jonathon was fatally killed on Jefferson Pike years ago.
Jonathan was 19 and had just graduated from Oakland High School. A valedictorian, talented musician, his achievements at Oakland High School and Belmont University reflect a life rich in promise and passion.
Jonathon Phillips
Jonathan’s kindness and spirit touched many, leaving a lasting legacy in Rutherford County. I will always remember praying with Joan and John in the parking lot of Middle Tennessee Christian School after an event. Her tears as I prayed were deeply moving and had a profound impact on my life and my passion for advocating for the widening of Jefferson Pike. Joan handed me copy of Jonathon’s funeral memorial card. I posted that in my office as a reminder why widening Jefferson Pike was so important.
Felicia and I at that time owned both Midtn Autos and Spoolies Hair Salon on Jefferson Pike, I have personally witnessed countless accidents, including one right in front of our business. I rushed out to check on Greg Johns, who collided with a UPS truck that had stopped in the road to drop off a package. Although Greg was knocked out, the truck’s airbag undoubtedly saved his life that day.
Many of us can recall the countless times we couldn’t travel down Jefferson Pike due to a collision. I distinctly remember the man who had purchased a new dump truck, ran off Jefferson Pike, and tragically lost his life. When I owned MidTn Autos, I would drive down Jefferson Pike every week on my way to the Bowling Green, Kentucky, auto auction, only to sit in traffic and eventually turn around to take I-24 and I-65 or simply go home instead.
Below is a video with the late John Phillips speaking about the loss of his son Jonathan—others as well. Please take the time to listen to John.

As your state representative, I am excited to share the latest developments regarding the widening and improvements to Jefferson Pike (State Route 266) in Rutherford County. This vital project is currently underway, led by the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), and aims to enhance safety and efficiency along this key east-west route.


Smyrna, TDOT officials celebrate start of Jefferson Pike widening project

Project Overview
The project spans approximately 3.9 miles, extending from SR 102 (Nissan Drive) to east of Interstate 840. Jefferson Pike serves as a crucial artery, connecting the Town of Smyrna with I-840 and providing access to numerous commercial, residential, and recreational areas. Given the significant growth our community has experienced—outpacing the statewide average—the existing two-lane roadway simply cannot meet current and future traffic demands safely.

The primary goals of this project are to relieve congestion, address geometric deficiencies, and support ongoing economic development in the area. As we continue to welcome new residents and businesses, it’s imperative that our infrastructure keeps pace.
Segment 2: Rural Improvements (Stones River Bridge to East of I-840)

Detailed Improvements

The project encompasses two segments, each designed with the specific needs of our community in mind.
 Segment 1: Urban Enhancements (Nissan Drive to Stones River Bridge)
This segment will be transformed into a four-lane roadway, featuring:
Two lanes in each direction, separated by a raised 14-foot concrete median.
– Left turn lanes at intersecting roads to enhance safety.
– 5-foot bike lanes and foot sidewalks on both sides to promote alternative transportation options.
– A new bridge over the Stones River, ensuring a smooth transit experience.

Segment 2: Rural Improvements (Stones River Bridge to East of I-840)

This segment will also consist of four travel lanes, with features including:
– A raised 14-foot concrete median, similar to Segment 1, to ensure safe navigation.
– 12-foot shoulders on each side to accommodate larger vehicles and provide additional safety.
– An expansion of the bridge over I-840 to support four travel lanes and an 18-foot center turn lane, along with 12-foot shoulders.

Intersection Modifications

To further enhance safety and traffic flow, the project includes:
– Modifications to the existing traffic signal at Nissan Drive.
– Installation of three new traffic signals at key locations: Hickory Grove Road, the I-840 East access ramps, and the I-840 West access ramps.

Current Status and Future Outlook

As of now, the project is under construction, with an estimated completion date set for Spring 2025. I encourage everyone to remain patient during this process, as the long-term benefits will significantly outweigh the temporary inconveniences.


The improvements to Jefferson Pike are not just about expanding roadways; they are about ensuring the safety and efficiency of our transportation system as our community continues to grow. I wish I could name everyone who has lost their life on Jefferson Pike. I am committed to supporting more initiatives that enhance the quality of life for all residents of Smyrna and Rutherford County. Together, let’s look forward to a safer, more accessible future.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement as we work to improve our great community. If you need to reach my office call 615-741-6829 or email Rep.Mike.Sparks@Capitol.tn.gov.
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